Superdrive [insert dilithium crystals]
I used to run a magazine it lasted 13 issues, there were several parties, some celebrity encounters, a few stressful nights, plenty of riotous ones but then it finally came to rest as bonfire fodder.
Suffice to say; I need more… so of course it made sense (?) to launch into web space where millions of ‘other’ similar digital chip trays reside.
Music, movies, art, photography, culture, trends, sci-fi, robots, Spaced and design – I guess everybody likes these things too! But if this is to represent a direction then you’ll find here, those things I like…
Designer by education / Geek by employment! My resume reads like a series of stops on a underground map. I spent most my life in south-east London and am an ex-convent girl that steered clear of church and early breeding. I’m spending these latter parts of my current life in Berlin – I’m still avoiding church and haven’t as yet bred!
My life has been constant renovation – although like most DIYing it takes a bloody long time to get round to. INDIGITS is yet another chapter in my mission to rewrite my self-conceived epitaph reading “achieved everything, accomplished nothing!”
‘Life can be beautiful’ and when I get freebies or finally acquire front row tickets at a Aerosmith gig in Las Vegas then ‘Life is beautiful’ < — UPDATE, saw Aerosmith in Atlantic City!!!
If you want to follow me, kindly do so here – @methystic
d e b o r a h @ i n d i g i t s . n e t
a] Illustrations on this page kindly lent to me by my mate Gael… (as seen in issue 12 of the printed mag).
b] Note contributors can be bought, borrowed or bribed!
1] all opinions are that of the authors and given in good faith. We will respond to any complaints of content deemed to be libellous, misleading, obscene or defamatory.
2] all work is copyright of the author and CANNOT be reproduced without express permission from them.